dollars for direct disbursement to college students, many of
whom are struggling with food and housing insecurity. Yet the
vast majority of our students do not know that they can ask for
additional financial aid. Recognizing this information gap, Congress
now requires institutions in receipt of these funds to notify students
that they can appeal their financial aid award or eligibility.
SwiftStudent offers community college leaders a (free) way to
comply with new regulations — and ensure that students can ask
for the help they need to succeed in school.
Through SwiftStudent, students are learning about the financial aid appeal process, reviewing eligibility requirements, and customizing free template appeal letters to submit to their college financial aid office. During the COVID-19 emergency, SwiftStudent has helped more than 70,000 students with financial aid appeals, providing both factual information about eligibility and industry-approved template letters for submission.
SwiftStudent offers community college leaders a (free) way to comply with new regulations — and ensure that students can ask for the help they need to succeed in school. Through SwiftStudent, students are learning about the financial aid appeal process, reviewing eligibility requirements, and customizing free template appeal letters to submit to their college financial aid office.
The Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation (SHSF) developed SwiftStudent’s content and design in partnership with 17 leading higher education organizations from around the country, including the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA), College Promise, Achieving the Dream, Montgomery College, and Everett Community College. These partners provided extensive and exhaustive input on the tool, reviewing numerous iterations through the development process. As a free website, SwiftStudent does not share or sell user information, which has enabled easy partnerships with institutions and access organizations. Numerous community colleges have posted SwiftStudent links to their financial aid pages to provide students with a primer about the financial aid appeals process.
Now one year old, the SwiftStudent is addressing the barriers
community college students face — and saving time for financial
aid officers as they manage new compliance requirements and
assist students.
Abigail Seldin is the producer of SwiftStudent and
CEO of the Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation.